
Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Hillary doesn't want to remind women of Bill's indiscretions

It seems that every news channel is reporting on the Clinton video Donald Trump posted to his Instagram highlighting Bill's extra marital affairs and Hillary's efforts to destroy the women who Bill cheated on her with.

Recent polls show Trump and Clinton are in a dead heat with neither of them scoring high in the "like-ability" category.  So it seems that Americans are destined to have to vote for a President who few people like with their choice being someone who has done her best to discredit women or someone who has elevated women into positions of leadership within his multi-billion dollar company.

There is a media feeding frenzy regarding this Clinton video, and Hillary is panicking.  Why?  Because she doesn't want women who may not remember Bill's indiscretions, to be reminded of how she and Bill humiliated and ridiculed these women who were victimized by Bill.  The media will do their best to protect Hillary and Bill because they are part of the "Hollywood" scene.  But Trump supporters will do their best to send Hillary a message - "you're fired!"

Friday, May 13, 2016

Estimating Expenses

Anything you do in your contractor or plumbing business that requires your time, you should be getting paid for it.  As I have mentioned in other blogs, I can’t tell you how many times I have gone out to give estimates and never charged people for gas or my time, because I thought I shouldn’t be charging them.  I’m here to tell you that is wrong.  You should have a profit, overhead, and business operating expenses in your jobs to allow for these activities.

Look at everything you do that you are not getting paid for and determine a percentage to make up for that, then add each percentage to each job that you do. When you go out to give a free estimate, it’s not free, you are just giving the illusion that it is free, but if they actually hire you – you will be charging them. Essentially you will need to get money from the people you are doing work for, to pay for the expenses for the jobs that you do not receive.

A lot of times contractors and plumbers put in a percentage. I charge 15 percent for operating overhead, and my profit was normally 10 percent.  So that’s 25 percent that I added onto a job, but I also did the research and knew this is what was needed. A lot of people are not going to be happy paying that. If that is the case you are going to need to get creative and divide that money up into other parts of the project.   The main thing is to get the money to make sure that you stay in business.

You have got to have the money to advertise, to pay for the gas it will cost to get you to your jobs, your papers to write on, and computers in your office.  Without this stuff you are not going to be able to run your contracting or plumbing business as effectively as you think you can. Figure out your number and implement it.

Check my blogs weekly at, for more tips about contracting and plumbing.  


New Motorcyclist Safety Tips

So you think you want to be a motorcyclist? Today I’d like to cover some common mistakes that new riders will make when first begin their journey of being a biker. The first and biggest mistake new motorcyclist make is not inspecting the bike before each ride.  Readers, I cannot express to you enough how vitally important it is to inspect your motorcycle each and every time before you ride. Remember, you are not behind the safety of a 2500-pound vehicle. You are fully exposed, on an incredibly fast machine that weighs in the low hundreds.  

For your safety, first you will want to check the air tire pressure in your tires. If you look on your swing bar, it will usually show you the number the pressure should be.  Next you will want to make sure your oil levels are good. On my motorcycle there is a window on the lower part of my bike that I can easily check to see if the levels are where they should be, but every bike is different, so get familiar to where your components are.  

The next thing you want to do is to check and make sure your turn signals are working.  While you are in that area, check that your brake fluids are as they should be. You always want to check the floor for any oil leaks. If all is clear, now its time to start up your bike. You want to make sure that the operating temperature of your motorcycle is normal. When warmed up it should be about less than 200 degrees.

Now that your pre-checklist is complete its time to head onto the road. Contrary to what you may have heard, its not always best to ride full center in a lane, as that is where oil leakage from cars tends to be.  Oil slicks can mean life or death to a rider. So be sure to keep an eye out for those signs of oil and try to stay a little off center,

Checkout my blogs weekly at for more motorcycle riding tips.

Wounded Warrior Project: The Moral Obligation To Know Our Veterans

Today I want to tell you a simple story, it’s a story about citizenship, responsibility, and dare I say maybe even morality.  I have one of those jobs that require that I spend some time on airplanes. Not too long ago, I boarded a flight like I always do, took my seat, and as I was drifting off to sleep – the pilot came over the public address system.  Two young military soldiers had boarded the airplane and took seats just a few rows in front of me, and the pilot asked everyone on the plane to thank them and acknowledge their service to this country.  There was a polite round of applause on the airplane, and those close enough to reach the two young men gave them a handshake and a pat on the back. I couldn’t help but notice as this was going on that the woman next to me was making a particular show of her support. So much so that I began to wonder was this as much about her as it was those two military soldiers.

So I decided to engage the woman. I explained to her my love of the military, and the many charities I produce for the Wounded Warrior Project, and with that she was hooked. I got her.  One of the first things she said to me was that whenever she’s in an airport and would see a military soldier, she would thank them for their service.  I thanked her for her kind gesture and shifted the conversation a little bit to some of the challenges that are facing particularly this generation of military veterans. I told her for example that many of this generation veterans have struggled vitally to find jobs when they come home and leave service, and how some of those struggles are a function of the fact that many of these young men who have served over the last decade are leaving military service with disabilities at a rate unprecedented in U.S. history. Studies have shown that 30% of them will live out there lives with disabilities connected with their service.  I explained to her that this was the reason that I am so dedicated to supporting the Wounded Warrior Project, because they support our veterans to the highest degree.

I’m a proud to say, that woman is not only one of my friends now – she’s one of my biggest donors when I host Wounded Warrior Project events.

Support the Wounded Warriors Project at


Wednesday, May 4, 2016

How do you think Donald Trump would feel about this video?

How do you think Donald Trump would feel about this video? 

This video contains information regarding how Hillary and Bill Clinton tried (and sometimes succeeded) to destroy the lives of women for their own benefit.

#DropOutHillary #Donaldtrump #monicalewinsky #womensrights #GOP


Basic Boat tips: Launching your Vessel

Last week I took you through the beginning stages of preparing your boat for launch. You prepared your boat in the staging area, went through your checklist, and now you are at the launch ramp ready to go. So with your truck still in the staging area, you are now at the ramp for a pre ramp inspection. What I’m concerned with here is how steep the ramp is, how far I am going to have to back my trailer in, and how far back the ramp goes. We want to be sure that we don’t back our trailer off the edge of the ramp, also whether or not the ramp is coated with algae or not.

So now we’ve completed our pre launch check inspection, and it’s our turn to launch. For those of you that are just learning the skill of backing down, it’s advisable that you back in nice and slow. That way if you get off course a little bit, it will be easy for you to make a correction.  Now we are going to back the boat in just far enough that we can go ahead and get the engine started to make sure it is going to run before we actually take the boat off of the trailer. So now we are partially in the water and begin to put the engine down. I also have my safety lanyard attached, this is a cut-off switch, or a kill switch, that is there incase you are thrown or accidentally fall from the boat, the strap attached to the ignition switch will kill the engine to stop the boat.

So now the boat is fired up, everything is looking good. We are now going to back the trailer in just far enough so that the boat begins to float. I will now put my vehicle into park, emergency break is activated, and I can now move back in. We are going to undue the safety chain at the bow of the boat, take light pressure off the winch, and release the winch lock. Because the boat is floating it’s going to fall away a little bit, and that is normal.  The boat is fully in the water and it is now time to undue the safety hook.  At this point you should be able to back off with a little bit of reverse throttle, and have fully completed your launch sequence.

This concludes my boating tips for the week. Check next week for more tips on boating.

Monday, April 4, 2016


What are the things that can affect the cost of sewer line replacement? 


Sunday, March 27, 2016

Bike Giveaway

Alex Figliolia Jr. Manager of Gotham Motorcycles Announces Bike Giveaway -


Saturday, March 26, 2016


Alex Figliolia Jr. Launches Business Blog: Spend More on Employee Perks.


Friday, March 25, 2016


Plumber Contractor Alex Figliolia Jr. launches business reputation tip blog.


Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Monday, March 21, 2016

Where in the world is Monica Lewinsky now?

Where in the world is Monica Lewinsky now? Why feminists shouldn't vote for Hillary Clinton.


Friday, March 18, 2016

Another one bites the dust in GOP Presidential Primary

by: Alex Figliolia Jr.
So the votes are in and they weren't for Marco Rubio. The Florida Senator who just weeks ago seemed to be the Republican establishment's golden child, crashed and burned in his own home state, garnering just a quarter of the votes that businessman/reality television show host turned politician, Donald Trump received in what Trump calls his "second home." Following the clobbering, "Little Marco" announced that he was dropping out of politics for good. Choosing not to run for re-election to the Senate seat he now holds.
So what happened? A few weeks ago, GOP establishment types started a behind the scene campaign to push Rubio along as he showed signs of rising above Trump, but that effort backfired quickly. Rubio, apparently buoyed by the establishment support, tried to grab for the low hanging fruit by criticizing Trump. The results of that strategy is what took place in Florida - a decisive win for Trump.
On the other hand, Ohio Governor Kasich who has been using the tag line, "I will not take the low road to the highest office," won his state handily. Like Rubio, Kasich was a US Senator before he became Governor. Unlike Rubio, Kasich didn't let his head be turned by establishment GOP who have decided that attacking Trump is the best tactic to make him lose.
Someone once said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. If that is true then the GOP establishment certainly fits that bill. In their zeal to undo Trump Jeb Bush, Chirs Christie and Marco Rubio all came out strong against Trump claiming that they were giving the GOP frontrunner a taste of his own medicine and after they did that GOP primary voters time and again handed Trump a handy win while turning their backs on the aforementioned candidates who ultimately dropped out.
It is laughable that the political insiders who are at fault for one after another failed attempts at the White House have the gall to tell us, the voter, that we are wrong for supporting Trump. These are the same people who thought it was a good idea to run McCain for President after he lost the primary to George W. Bush. These are the same people who thought it made sense to run Mitt Romney after he lost the primary to McCain. Marketing 101 - if people didn't buy your product the first time, why would you market the same product to the same people a second time and expect them to embrace it?
The one constant I keep hearing from the GOP establishment is that Donald Trump is not a leader but an embarrassment to the United States. Well, if someone who tells it like it is and who turned a million dollars into billions of dollars by working hard is an embarrassment and not a leader then I say, open your eyes GOP establishment because that's who many voting members of your party aspire to become.
Open your eyes GOP leadership because if you don't you will be digging graves for the lost political lives of many more of your favorite candidates.

Saturday, March 12, 2016


Support our Veterans: 

To those who support our military servicemen and women, I too share in your opinions of our vets. I believe that the large majority of those who enlist in the military do so with a great deal of intention to selflessly engage in efforts to protect our freedoms, and more: 


Friday, March 11, 2016


Knowing basic plumbing specifics can be valuable: 

If you are someone who takes matter into your own hands such as plumbing, having a plumbers guide can be very useful. Knowing basic plumbing specifics can be valuable in times of desperate emergencies. As you confront heating and plumbing encounters, plumbing tips can be very practical to apply. If you’re more: 


Thursday, March 10, 2016


Protect your company identity – contractors advice:

 I have had battles with negative publicity “With the advent of the internet and social media sites, small businesses are always at risk for adverse publicity.  Historically, the contractors and plumbers have gotten a bad reputation- mostly because people do not understand what they do or because they call us more: 


Tuesday, March 8, 2016


Why I Love Boating: Boating is one of my favorite pastimes.  Nothing can compare to the gentle roll of the open water while the wind blows against my face.  It’s exhilarating and it lift’s my spirits more quickly than any other activity.  Boating provides me with a sense of relaxation and an opportunity more


Monday, March 7, 2016


How to ensure that your business doesn’t starve to death | Alex Figlioia Jr


Friday, March 4, 2016

Alex Figliolia jr

Finding a general contractor.

For most homeowners, the most difficult part of home renovations is not so much the actual work itself, but finding a reliable, competent contractor to do the job.  Whether your installing a new bathroom, knocking down a wall or adding more:


Thursday, March 3, 2016

Essential DIY Plumbing Tips

Essential DIY Plumbing Tips: 

Have you ever thought about becoming your own plumber? Well the thought is not as crazy as it sounds. Any plumber needs groundwork in math, science, and computers. These three skills set will set you off on the right path to becoming a plumber and starting a business. Your next step is to attend a trade school and to more:


Tuesday, February 23, 2016

#Plumbers lives matter

By: Alex Figliolia Jr.
This past Saturday, thousands of Asian Americans gathered in Cadman Plaza Park to protest the conviction of rookie NYPD Officer Peter Liang. Liang was prosecuted and convicted for fatally shooting Akai Gurley in the stairwell of an East New York housing project. Gurley was 28-years-old. He was African American and he was unarmed.
Protesters claimed that Officer Liang's shooting of Gurley was an accident and that he was being used as a "scapegoat" and was the victim of "anti police politics" because he is Asian-American.
Like many New Yorkers, I followed the 2014 news accounts of the shooting. From the very beginning, Officer Liang claimed that the shooting of Gurley, which happened inside the stairwell of the Louis Pink Houses was an accident.
According to the New York Post article that appeared on February 20, 2016, " Liang fired his gun after hearing a noise while conducting a vertical patrol in a darkened stairwell. The bullet ricocheted off a cinder-block wall and struck Gurley, an unarmed black man, in the chest."
Chinese activists are crusading against Brooklyn District Attorney Kenneth Thompson, calling his prosecution of Liang a "persecution." According to Saturday's NY Post article, " Many in the crowd maintained Liang was
prosecuted because he is a minority, while white cops involved in fatal incidents against African-Americans were not."
Liang was convicted on February 11, 2016, of manslaughter and misconduct charges for the November 2014 shooting. He was terminated from the police force once the verdict was delivered.
Liang is not the first police officer to be prosecuted and convicted by public opinion before standing trial and it's clear he will not be the last.
An article that appeared in the Huffington Post on October 22, 2015 entitled "5 facts about police brutality in the United States that will shock you", reads, "October 22 is also known as National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality, Repression and Criminalization of the Entire Generation. The event, which is overseen by the October 22 Coalition, is held in many major cities and towns across the United States. The occasion, which has occurred every year since 1996, hopes to bring together those under the gun and those not under the gun as a powerful voice to expose the epidemic of police brutality, according to the October 22 Coalition's website."
The article goes on to list some staggering statistics collected from various reports about the number of people who have been killed by police officers stating, "For every 1,000 people killed by police, only one officer is convicted of a crime."
However, nowhere does the article speak about the 1,400 Police Officers who have been killed in the line of duty over the past decade. Nor does it disclose what the people who were killed by police officers were doing at the time of their death or whether or not they had a criminal record.
The October 22 Coalition has an entire website geared toward, in their words, "...being a powerful voice to expose the epidemic of police brutality." Between the information on the website and in the Huffington Post, the reader is left with the impression that police officers are randomly killing innocent people - specifically, people of color.
According to, "A Police Officer in the US earns an average salary of $48,815.00 per year." According to the same website, a Master Plumber earns an average salary of $55,000.00. A leading cause of injury for plumbers is, "lifting heavy or awkwardly sized objects," while police officers leave their home everyday not knowing if they will return.
Think about it, police officers willingly and selflessly put themselves in harms way trying to protect strangers from criminals. When we need them we call and expect them to be there at a moment's notice. We want them to anticipate when a crime is going to happen without giving them the tools to do so. "Stop and Frisk" is just one of the tools law enforcement used to keep us safe but they are banned from using it in New York City - a city of 8 million people where danger lurks everywhere.
On a larger scale, take a look at Apple and its refusal to cooperate with the FBI to help them get into the phone of one of the terrorists who killed innocent people in San Bernadino. Apple says that it wants to protect the privacy of its customers, but how valuable is privacy when you or other innocent people are dead?
As American taxpayers we want to protect ourselves and our rights and we get angry when we that government service is lacking. How many times have you witnessed wrong doing on the street or read a story about a crime and wondered "Where were the police?" When you drive down the street of a "bad" neighborhood seeing business after business shuttered up but drinking and drug deals taking place out in the open, how many times have you thought to yourself, "Why don't the police do something?" The fact of the matter is that the majority of citizens feel more secure when they see police on the street. We want them there to protect us, but unfortunately, all across America, anit-police groups are winning their battle to strip police of the tools they need to do so.
I am not certain what happened in that stairwell between Officer Liang and Mr, Gurley or what Officer Liang was thinking when he fired his gun. What I do know is that 1,500 Asian Americans descended on Cadman Plaza Saturday claiming that Liang is being persecuted because he is a minority. After reading the news articles and doing a little research of my own, to me it looks like Officer Liang was being persecuted because he chose to become a cop in a society that is being becoming more and more anti-cop.
If society continues to convict cops in the court of public opinion before they have had an opportunity to stand trial, I wonder how many young people will take the risk of hurting themselves carrying heavy equipment as plumbers instead of taking the risk of being shot, run over or prosecuted as a cop.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Paul Newman

"Acting isn't really a creative profession. It's an interpretative one." - Paul Newman

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Tuesday, February 16, 2016


"Start by doing what's necessary, then what's possible and then suddenly you are doing the impossible."

Sunday, February 14, 2016

I support our country

I am an avid supporter of the United States Military and is committed to assisting those returning home from military service. Join me in supporting the Wounded #Warrior Project which has been one of my favorite charity to support. #US

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Ralph Marston

"What you do today can improve all your tomorrows." - Ralph Marston

Friday, February 12, 2016

Have a great day everyone

Good morning everyone. Hope you have a great start to your day.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Which one is your fav?

Looking to buy a new motorcycle. Click the link below & tell us which one is your favorite?

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Alex Figliolia jr. social media helped my construction company

How Social Media Boosts Trading -- Without Helping Traders - Alex Figliolia jr.


Alex Figliolia jr. social media helped my construction company

How Social Media Boosts Trading -- Without Helping Traders - Alex Figliolia jr.


Why a Business Owner is the Right Person to Lead America

Anyone who knows me knows that I revere God, Family and Country. While I don't usually wear my political heart on my sleeve, I do have strong opinions regarding the upcoming Presidential election which I will share right here, so if you're one of those people who don't believe in talking sex, politics or religion, I suggest you abandon right now.

If you are someone with an open mind who wants to hear all sides of things, then hang in so I can tell you why I think America needs a business owner to be President.

The field of Presidential candidates is crowded on both sides of the aisle. Let's consider the Washington insiders and their positions first:

Hillary Clinton (D) Former First Lady, US Senator and Secretary of State: Simply put, Ms. Clinton comes off less than trust worthy after the Bengazi email scandal. She also has a problem with some women who feel that her decision to overlook her husband's multiple infidelities (Jennifer Flowers, Monica Lewinsky and who knows who else) reduces her credibility as a feminist. Moreover, Ms. Clinton is presumptive and dismissive of the American people; she was the original architect of Obama Care and other programs which have wrecked havoc on the American economy.

Bernie Sanders (D) US Senator Vermont: Sanders is a Socialist who has stated that he wants businesses to pay 90% of their income in taxes. NINETY PERCENT - In what business model does that make any sense?

John Kasich (R) Governor Ohio: Kasich has spent more than half his adult career serving as an elected official. People who spend that much time in government have a distorted value of money and little idea of what it takes to run a small business.

Jeb Bush (R) Former Governor of Florida and Secretary of Commerce: Let's face it, Jeb Bush grew up inside politics. Yes he is a Real Estate Developer but his training has always been government.

Chris Christie (R) Governor of New Jersey, former federal prosecutor: Christie spent most of his adult career in government as well. He talks like an outsider but in fact most of his paychecks have been derived from taxpayer dollars. CNBC ranked New Jersey 43rd out of 50 for business development. You don't need an Atlantic City bookmaker to tell you that those odds stink.

Marco Rubio (R) US Senator Florida: Rubio is a businessman and first term Senator. He is a great orator and has a good understanding of government and foreign policy. He is a freshman who admits that he doesn't like Washington and the way it runs and has actually boycotted procedures and votes. He is a lawyer who has admitted that he lives above his means which makes me nervous. His "path to citizenship" is unclear and that makes me uncomfortable.

Ted Cruz (R) US Senator Texas: Cruz has spent most of his adult career collecting pay checks from the taxpayer therefore he has no idea what it means to run a small business.

Then there are the outsiders.....

Dr. Ben Carson (R) Neurosurgeon: Carson's caring, gentle demeanor and the fact that he saves lives for a living makes him easy to trust. He is definitely conservative. He is definitely religious, his problem as I see it is that he is a surgeon and because he deals in life and death decisions he may have a bit of a God complex. While physicians do run their own businesses, they deal with insurance companies who have an overinflated sense of what things should cost. They are big business and not in tune with small business.

Carly Fiorina (R) Former Chief Executive Officer of Hewlett-Packard and nominee for US Senate in California 2010: While Fiorina did run a business, she managed to get herself fired despite her claim (which I do believe) that she saved the company. She also managed to lose her election for US Senate. What this tells me is that Fiorina is lacking branding and marketing skills, both of which are necessary when you are negotiating foreign policy or trying to gain confidence in your product.

Donald Trump: (R) Real Estate Developer, television personality, casino operator: Donald Trump is a New York City icon. He was launched in business by his family and he grew that investment into a fortune. He took advantage of every loop hole in government to make sure his businesses succeeded so he has a real understanding about what is right and wrong with the system. He has relationships with big businesses both at home and overseas and he knows how they operate. He is a branding genius taking himself from a bankrupt developer to a household name. He knows how to sell himself, his product and America.

In my opinion, these business people (even the quasi successful ones, are the only people who can truly turn our country around. Here's why....

Let's think about the President of the United States as the CEO of a large public corporation (America). Like all corporations, the CEO's responsibility is to create a quality product that will sell and make money for the shareholder (taxpayer). This particular corporation has 50 franchises (states) Each of those franchises have representatives (congress and senate) and all of them together have one large complaint department (Supreme Court).

The shareholder expects a return on his/her investment and it's up to the President to make sure all the franchises are delivering. The larger the return on the shareholder's investment, the happier s/he is and the more likely s/he is to work hard to make more money to reinvest in the corporation. Happy shareholders are also the best marketers for the corporation and soon they will encourage others to invest.

Unfortunately, every large, rich corporation has its share of enemies which is why the CEO must establish a strong security department (US Army, FBI, CIA) and why the shareholders must support these departments in order to protect their interests.

The above outline is a basic business model which, if followed loosely, could result in a positive outcome for the taxpayer. Unfortunately, our government operates more like a charitable organization than a corporation, redistributing money from those who produce to those who do not.

The United States tax code is in direct conflict with the philosophy upon which our country was founded. When the constitution was adopted and America was born it was based upon the principles that anyone could succeed as long as they worked hard and swore allegiance to their country. At the center of this new nation was the notion that an individual's wealth could not be taken from him/her without representation within the government.

In today's America, wealth is taken from those who work for it and is redistributed to those who do nothing to earn it. The more you work, the more you are penalized, removing any incentive to succeed.

Those who fight to protect our freedom are demonized for doing their job and are paid a salary just above minimum wage.

Our representatives run million dollar campaigns to win a seat that pays a fraction of what it cost them to get there then they spend endless hours speechifying about how we are mortgaging our children's future to pay for programs in place today. Worse still is the fact that only half of the eligible voters participate in these elections which determine who our leaders will be.

There was a time in American history when parents wanted their child to aspire to be President of the United States. Now they encourage them to be a basketball player or football star.

In today's America, political correctness has taken the place of common sense and entitlement has taken the place of responsibility. If we have any hope at all of returning America to its glory days, when hard work was revered and rewarded, we need to elect a leader who understands you are only entitled to rights if you are willing to accept responsibility for your actions.



"Once you have commitment, you need the discipline and hardwork to get you there." - Haile Gebrselassie


Monday, February 8, 2016

Alex Figliolia jr. how about this

Neel Kashkari to be Named New Minneapolis Fed President -


Alex Figliolia jr. how about this

Neel Kashkari to be Named New Minneapolis Fed President -


Sunday, February 7, 2016


Where did Staten Islanders go on vacation? Check 'On the Road' to find out -


Saturday, February 6, 2016


Suffragette Director: 'You Can't Change the Game Unless You're in the Game' -


Friday, February 5, 2016


New law in New York state allows dogs on restaurant patios -


Thursday, February 4, 2016


A History of New York Has Its Own Compelling Past -


Wednesday, February 3, 2016


Predict the Ratings for 'Wicked City' and World Series Game 1 - TV Media Insights - TV Ratings & News - Network TV Show Reviews and Daily Ratings « TV Media Insights - TV Ratings & News - Network TV Show Reviews and Daily Ratings -


Tuesday, February 2, 2016


Jay Z & Blue Ivy Dedicate Songs to Beyonce on her B-Day | Angie Martinez on Power 105.1 FM -


Where are you going?

"There are no shortcuts to any place worth going." - Beverly Sills

Monday, February 1, 2016


Today in Hip-Hop: Jay Z Drops ‘The Blueprint’ -


Sunday, January 31, 2016


BIGSEAN on Instagram: “Gift from my dog Jay-Z! Luv to Rocnation #Clique
Made In America went crazy today!” -


Saturday, January 30, 2016


Jay Z Announces Tidal Celebration in Brooklyn - XXL -


Friday, January 29, 2016


007 Is Back! Daniel Craig Arrives in Style at Glam Spectre Premiere as James Bond Mania Kicks Into High Gear -

Thursday, January 28, 2016


Jay Z Makes Fun of Beyoncé's Strange Pizza-Eating Habits: 'She's from Houston ... They Don't Have Pizza There' -


Wednesday, January 27, 2016


Rotimi: Hustler, Actor, Musician, Jay Z Favorite -

Tuesday, January 26, 2016


Jay Z wins copyright infringement case over Big Pimpin' Egyptian song sample -


Words from the wise

"I hope the millions of people I've touched have the optimism and desire to share their goals and hard work and persevere with a positive attitude." - Michael Jordan


Monday, January 25, 2016


On Her Majesty's Red Carpet! Kate, William and Harry Dazzle at Bond Premiere in London -
