Today I want to tell you a simple story, it’s a story about citizenship, responsibility, and dare I say maybe even morality. I have one of those jobs that require that I spend some time on airplanes. Not too long ago, I boarded a flight like I always do, took my seat, and as I was drifting off to sleep – the pilot came over the public address system. Two young military soldiers had boarded the airplane and took seats just a few rows in front of me, and the pilot asked everyone on the plane to thank them and acknowledge their service to this country. There was a polite round of applause on the airplane, and those close enough to reach the two young men gave them a handshake and a pat on the back. I couldn’t help but notice as this was going on that the woman next to me was making a particular show of her support. So much so that I began to wonder was this as much about her as it was those two military soldiers.
So I decided to engage the woman. I explained to her my love of the military, and the many charities I produce for the Wounded Warrior Project, and with that she was hooked. I got her. One of the first things she said to me was that whenever she’s in an airport and would see a military soldier, she would thank them for their service. I thanked her for her kind gesture and shifted the conversation a little bit to some of the challenges that are facing particularly this generation of military veterans. I told her for example that many of this generation veterans have struggled vitally to find jobs when they come home and leave service, and how some of those struggles are a function of the fact that many of these young men who have served over the last decade are leaving military service with disabilities at a rate unprecedented in U.S. history. Studies have shown that 30% of them will live out there lives with disabilities connected with their service. I explained to her that this was the reason that I am so dedicated to supporting the Wounded Warrior Project, because they support our veterans to the highest degree.
I’m a proud to say, that woman is not only one of my friends now – she’s one of my biggest donors when I host Wounded Warrior Project events.
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